
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Above the earth (Animation edition)

 Hello bloggers. You may have seen me "Above the earth" Post this the animation version of it. What we had to do was finish our Google Earth and then make it into a different format I chose to do an animation. What would you do instead? Aside from that please leave a comment or feedback it would help me out a lot bye.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Above the earth

 Hello bloggers,  We have been doing google earth with a country of our choice. And I have chosen Japan for this task. I have written a few things about Japan. Here is the link to my Google Earth What is your favorite country and why? Aside from that please leave a comment on any mistakes I may have made or give me some positive feedback Bye. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Hey look a pattern

 Hello bloggers, Today in maths we have made a pattern using tessellation.

Tesselation is when a shape repeats itself over and over again until it makes a pattern and there are also three basics shapes which are triangle, square, and hexagon.  Have you ever made a pattern and what shapes have you used in it? Aside from that pls leave comments on my blog for any feedback or some errors Bye.