
Friday, March 26, 2021

Weather animation (Scratch edition)

 Hello, again bloggers. Today we have done a scratch version of our Maori weather things. I have made this a bit interactive. Sadly I got only one weather but you need to type Marangai before 5 seconds. What's your favorite type of weather? Aside from that please leave me a comment on my blog for any mistakes or feedback BYE.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Plastic is not fantastic

 Hey bloggers. Today in class we have done notes by watching a video and taking notes then putting them on a canva. The video was about plastic and what it has done to our sea life and animals in the ocean along with the kinds of plastics in the ocean. What is your favorite game? Aside from that please leave a comment on my blog on any feedback and mistakes BYE.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Is it Yanny or Laural?

 Hello, again bloggers. Today we are looking into Yanny or Laural video clip to see how it will work. In literacy, we started to look a bit more into the sound clip of Yanny or Laural. I have put a video for you to also look at to find out more.

 What this is that the clip is a bit distorted so it depends on either you like hard base music or nice music if it's hard base music you might hear Laural but if it's got high frequency you might hear Yanny.

It also might depend on the type of things you use to hear it. The neuroscientist says that he used his work headphones and heard Yanny then used his music headphones and heard Laural so it could depend on what you use.

This is the audio version of the gold or blue dress back in 2015 where it depends on seeing either gold or blue. When boys hear this clip they might end up hearing a man's voice saying Yanny or Laural but if a girl hears this they may end up hearing a female's voice saying either Yanny or Laural.

What do you hear, is it Yanny or Laural? Aside from that please leave a comment on my blog on any mistakes I may have made BYE.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Whats the weather?

 Hello, again bloggers. Today in class we have done a Maori weather animation. It includes stuff like different names for the weather in Maori and how to say them. What's the weather for you right now? Aside from that please leave me a comment on any mistakes I may have missed or some feedback BYE.

Te Tirito o Waitangi Timeline

 Heya bloggers. Today in class we have made a timeline on the treaty of Waitangi from when Captain Cook found it to the Maori dealing with the Treaty. If you were a Maori chief would you sign the treaty? Aside from that please leave me a comment on feedback or mistakes BYE.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 Hello, again bloggers. Today the task we have done is a task where somebody is mean in some way and their friend has to stick up for their friend. What would you do in these situations? and why? Aside from that please leave a comment on feedback or mistakes I may have made BYE.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A Voki?

 Hey bloggers I have made a voki on the treaty of Waitangi. You could pick a side either the British or the Maori, I picked the Maori so what this means is that this is the Maori point of view of the treaty of Waitangi. I could not put the URL so I have left a link What side would you have picked for this? Aside from that, please leave a comment on my blog on any mistakes or feedback BYE.